Glow naturally Try these easy home remedies to brighten your skin and reduce hyperpigmentation
Tip 1
Turmeric prevents the production of melanin in the skin, which is responsible for dark spots. Like turmeric, honey also has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which make the skin clean and glowing.
Tip 2
Aloe vera gel is used to treat many skin problems. It also contains hyperpigmentation as it contains aloin, which is a natural depigmentation agent.
Tip 3
Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which lighten the skin and help control hyperpigmentation marks. Applying green tea bag on dark spots also helps in lightening the skin.
Tip 4
Milk contains lactic acid, which has many benefits. Lactic acid is also very helpful in the treatment of skin discoloration. In such a situation, milk and buttermilk are great remedies for hyperpigmentation.
Tip 5
Tomato contains lycopene, so using it regularly can remove stubborn dark spots from the skin. It lightens the skin color and also makes it glowing.
Tip 6
Rice water helps treat hyperpigmentation. It lightens the skin color and also makes it glowing.