Should You Apply a Face Mask Before Or After Shower? Here’s the Answer!

Face Mask Before Or After Shower
Face Mask Before Or After Shower

I had been applying facial masks for quite some time now, but one particular thing popped into my mind for the very first time: When is the right time to put on my face mask? “Does it even matter?” I thought. Spoiler alert: It absolutely does! And not only for perfect profile pictures.

Let me take you on this skincare drama, where we decide whether we should apply a face mask before or after shower.

The “Before” Mask: A Bold Move

Picture this: you’re getting ready to get in the shower so that you can warm up a bit, and then you change your mind off to Mask-ville, and you go. Just like you pick your favourite deep cleansing mask which tells you that it has it all and can get rid of all the enemy within your pores. As you smear the green goo on your forehead, you suddenly realise: “Shouldn’t I have washed my face first?”

Ah, yes, friends, the eternal rule of masking: You should first wash your face before using the mask. Otherwise, your face will be far from pristine, and that lush mask won’t be able to do its work if there is leftover makeup, oil, or dirt left on the face. And let me tell you, you don’t wish to become that girl who has yesterday’s mascara stuck between your lashes and a layer of clay.

“Always cleanse first”

Using a mask before showering is also advisable if you are using a wash off mask or a mask for the oily skin. In the night, your skin enjoys the magic that the mask does by drawing out all the oil and clearing out the skin. In addition, if you apply it before wash with water, then steam from the shower helps to open the pores, and the mask penetrates deeply into the skin.

The “After” Mask: The Spa Experience

Now, let’s flip the script. You are just out of the shower, the skin is nice and fresh, pores are dilated, and you want to praise the clean world – goddess (or god) clean. Should this be the time to wear your face mask? Oh, you bet it is.

Try to picture your skin as a sponge that has been wet, warm water that has flooded, which means it is full. Showering is important because the hot steam helps your skin open and prepare it for a mask, especially moisture masks. It is as though your skin really needs that extra boost, and as such, you will find your skin itching for the cream.

If you are having dry skin, then applying a mask after bath is advisable due to the many benefits that comes with it. Think about it: your skin is clean and prepped and a hydrating mask will seal in all the hydration that you’ve just fed your skin with. You can apply the creamy face mask formula or one of those anti-aging formulas claiming that it will make you look like you’ve had 10 hours of sleep even if you were actually staring at the television at 2 in the morning.

But timing can and is everything. Bathing and showering is very good, but do not rush to put a mask on your face directly after you shower or bathe. You want your skin to be relaxed and not flushed or red due to the heat. Pat your face with warm water, and then you can proceed to apply the mask. And remember: stay away from eyes and lips – no one would like to wake up with chapped lips or raccoon eyes.

Types of Masks & Timing

Some masks require that you apply it before taking a shower, while others will need you to apply it after you have showered.

Facial masks such as deep cleansing masks – clay or charcoal – should best be done before showering. They are going to pull out all the nasty things from your pores, the shower will then wash all of them off.

For moisturizing masks as an anti wrinkle face mask, It is recommended to apply those babies after you take your shower, when your skin is clean and open to all the nutrients.

Final Verdict about Face Mask Before Or After Shower

So, now you might understood, Should you put on the face mask before or after taking a shower? In all matters relating to skin care, the response is simpler: it is all about your skin type as well as the kind of face mask in question. Deep cleansing and detox masks, it is perfect for applying it before the shower does the trick. For hydrating, calming, or anti-aging masks, applying them after the shower is the most effective thing to do.

In the end, the most important thing is that you’re taking time to care for your skin. Let’s be honest: any excuse to wear a face mask and avoid doing the dishes is a win, right?