Best Night Routine for Glowing Skin: Get That Glow

The Best Night Routine for Glowing Skin
The Best Night Routine for Glowing Skin

Have you ever wondered how some people wake up with a glowing look as if they came out from the fairy tale? While you are here with that bed hair and face that screams, Coffee! Well, the secret to their morning glow lies in what they do before hitting the sleep rock. I am talking about the magic of a night skincare routine.

Let us say your skin is like a small factory that produces a glowing look while you are enjoying your dreams. But providing the required supplies is necessary for even the biggest factories to work. Here, the nighttime skincare routine comes undersupplies.

In this post, we are going to look at the best night routine for glowing skin that makes you look as if you just returned from the luxurious spa treatment. Beginning from the magical powers of cleansers and serums to the, not so appreciated heroes like toners and eye creams, we will cover everything. But don’t worry, we will keep it fun and simple.

So, grab your fluffy slippers, wear those comfy PJs, and get ready to perform your nightly skincare ritual for glow-inducing skin. Let’s get the glow on!

The importance of night routine

Night is the major working time for your skin. It bounces back from daytime stress, UV damage, and environmental pollution during the night. So, your night routine is as important as brushing your teeth before bed (and yes, you should definitely be that, too!). Here is why having a night routine is crucial:

Skin regeneration:

At night, the skin transforms into recovery mode. It starts fighting off the wrinkles, fine lines, and breakouts. A proper night routine gives the required tools like antioxidants and hydrating ingredients to the skin to do its job effectively.

Enhanced absorption:

During the night, your skin is more receptive to the goodies you give. It actively absorbs the active ingredients. This means your expensive serums and creams are not just sitting on the skin. They dive deep to work their magic.

Hydration boost:

Nighttime is perfect for regaining the moisture that is lost during the daytime. A good night cream or mask acts like an energy drink for your skin and makes sure that you wake up with hydrated skin.

Collagen production:

Collagen is the secret sauce behind the firm and youthful skin. And its production raises when you sleep. By adding products like peptides and retinoids into your night routine, you are giving a helping hand to your skin in staying firm and bouncy.

Stress relief:

We all lead busy lives, and sometimes, that stress shows up on our faces. A calming night routine not just benefits your skin. It also soothes and helps in relieving the stress. Think of it as a mini spa session that signals to your brain and body that it is time to relax and recharge.

In short, a good night routine is like a nightly spa treatment. It gives your skin everything it needs to glow. So next time you try to skip it, remember that your skin will never forgive you.

Step by step night routine for Glowing Skin

Here is the step by step guide to making a perfect night skin are routine. Follow these steps, and your skin will thank you.


It might be a surprise for some, but cleanser is not just for removing makeup. It is the most important step in your night routine. So, if you are going for the quickest possible nightly skincare routine, start with a cleanser.


When we wake up, the oil glands get activated. They are filled with oil, and this oil sits on the skin throughout the day. The dead skin cells shed at night, too, so we don’t want the oil to mix with the dead cells or other debris like dirt and makeup. A good natural face cleanser removes all of them and leaves the skin fresh, soft, and clean.


Use a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. Massage it on your damp face in circular motions, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Clean your neck and ears. These areas are prone to oil production and dirt buildup. A proper cleanse helps even these problematic areas.

Apart from using a cleanser, you can try the double cleanse technique. It starts with a oil based cleanser. It removes waterproof makeup and other debris that are usually hard to remove. Then, you go for a cream cleanser or an exfoliating cleanser. It makes sure that your face is squeaky clean, and ready for the next step.


The next step in a nighttime skincare routine is the toner. Toner is often neglected by the skincare family. But like the stepchild, it is the unsung hero of the skincare routine.


It is like the cherry on the cake after cleansing. It restores the pH level of the skin and balances it after the harsh step of cleansing. Not just that, some best toner for glowing skin contains ingredients like glycolic acid and vitamin C, which penetrate into the skin and help it to shed old and worn-out cells. This gives the skin a firm and youthful look.


There are two types of toners – water based and oil based. Water based toners are lighter than the oil based ones. Depending on your skin type, use either of them. Toners come in both liquid and spray form. Apply the liquid form directly to the face with cotton pads. You can use the spray bottle and spritz the toner directly on your face. Let it absorb into the skin, or dab the skin with a towel to dry it up.

Serums and treatments:

Next comes the step of serum and treatment. Serum for acne prone skin and treatments provide more nourishing benefits to the skin.


Serums and treatments are concentrated forms of ingredients. While toners provide light hydration to the skin, serums and treatments go deep into the skin and rejuvenate it from the inside. In addition to this, they add extra moisture and smoothness to the skin.


Apply the serum in an upward motion on your face and neck. You can also apply it in a dot formation and then rub it in gently. Serums can be applied directly over your face, or you can use a dropper to apply them and then tap them into the skin. Once the serum is absorbed, add a moisturizer on top.

Eye cream:

Yes, the eyes are not just for beautiful looks. They are also the mirror of your health. We spend long hours in front of the screens, and that shows on our skin. This is why we should never skip the eye cream.


Eye area is the thinnest skin on your face. It is super susceptible to sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles. It is the number one place where signs of aging show up. So, if you are looking for a youthful glow, skipping the eye cream is a big no-no.


There are two ways of applying the eye cream. You can use your finger or a brush. Whichever way you choose, make sure you dab the cream gently around your eye area. Apply it in an upward motion to minimize the fine lines and wrinkles.


Moisturizer is the last step in the nighttime skincare routine. It locks moisture and keeps the skin hydrated through the night. But not all moisturizers are the same. You have to pick the right moisturizer according to your skin type.


Your skin type should be the deciding factor in picking your moisturizer. Every skin type is different and requires a different type of moisturizer. Dry skin needs a heavy moisturizer, while oily skin should pick a lighter one. Apart from this, ingredients like hyaluronic acid, squalene, and oils are the major players in hydrating your skin. So pick the right moisturizer and get your glow on.


Start with a pump or two of the moisturizer in the palm of your hand. Apply it all over the face, neck, and ear. Then, massage it in circular motions.

Night mask or oil:

This is an optional step. These night masks or oils work like a cherry on the cake. They hydrate and nourish the skin and leave it soft.


These products are the most hydrating ingredients of all. After cleansing your skin of all the debris, dirt, and oil, it needs some extra moisture. Night masks and oils work like magic, leaving your skin feeling moisturized and supple.


Night masks and oils should be applied only at night. While masks are generally used two to three times a week, the oils can be applied every night. Apply the night mask or oil on the face and neck with your fingers. Gently massage it in and let it absorb. If you have oily skin, do not use it too much.

Additional tips for glowing skin

  • Eat a balanced diet. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep.
  • Stick to your night routine consistently.


Hope you have enjoyed this journey of the magical night routine for glowing skin. I have tried my best to make it interesting for you. Now, it is your turn to make a nighttime skincare routine that suits you the best.

Remember that your skin is your own, and no matter how good a skin care product is, if it does not work for your skin, there is no point in trying it. This is the reason why it is crucial to build a night routine that helps you stay consistent. This consistency makes the ingredients, and the products work effectively for your skin.

Happy Glow Hunting!