Best Skin Routine for Monsoon: How to Protect and Nourish Your Skin

Best skin routine for monsoon
Best skin routine for monsoon

If there’s one thing we love about summer, it’s the warmth and the long-lasting sunshine. However, this summer, it’s different. It’s hot, it’s humid, and it’s rainy. Yes, the heat outbreak has already turned this summer into a miserable one, but we shouldn’t forget the other elements that are equally responsible for making this summer even more horrible. If you’ve been experiencing the ill effects of monsoon lately, such as an itchy, dull, and dry complexion, it’s time to do something about it.

To help you out, we’ve listed a few amazing skincare tips that will not only help you keep your skin healthy but also protect it from the ill effects of rain and humidity. Take a look for the best skin routine for monsoon.

Exfoliate Twice a Week

Your body exfoliates itself naturally, but sometimes, due to factors like pollution, lack of exercise, and diet, dead skin cells accumulate on your skin. This not only makes your skin dull and dry but also clogs your pores, leading to blemishes and breakouts. And when it’s monsoon, it becomes even more imperative to get rid of these dead skin cells. Since you sweat more during this time, your skin tends to get greasy, causing it to break out. Using a chemical exfoliator will help remove these dead skin cells and unclog your pores.

Avoid Stubborn Breakouts

As mentioned above, breakouts are common during monsoon. Whether it’s an acne breakout or a pimple, the rainy weather and the resulting humidity can worsen these stubborn breakouts. Therefore, it’s best to use a spot treatment cream to soothe these stubborn breakouts and heal them quickly.


Do you have dry, dull skin? Is it itchy, red, and irritated? If yes, then it’s best to opt for a nourishing moisturizer to make your skin smooth, soft, and supple. We suggest you apply your moisturizer within 30 minutes of stepping out of the shower. This will help your skin to absorb the cream and lock in the moisture. The last thing you want is to apply a moisturizer before you step out of the shower, only to find out that it’s all gone within a few hours.

Use a Sunscreen

We all know the importance of using sunscreen during summer, but did you know that monsoons can be as harmful to your skin as they are during the summer season? Yes, due to the rain, the humidity, and the lack of sun, it’s easy for your skin to become dull, dry, and irritated. But, what can help you prevent this is using a good sunscreen.

Say No to Heat and Hot Showers

Do you know that having a hot shower during the monsoon season is not good for your skin? Well, it’s not. Hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils, making it dry. Since your skin has already lost its moisture during the monsoon season, you should avoid taking a hot shower to keep it soft and supple. Instead, take lukewarm showers. Heat not only makes your skin greasy and dull, but it can also cause it to become dehydrated. So, make sure that you don’t stay in hot and humid places for too long.

Eat a Healthy Diet

It’s no secret that a healthy diet is the key to maintaining a healthy complexion. In fact, you can see it for yourself. If you’ve been eating a healthy diet, your complexion is likely to be glowing and radiant. But, if you’ve been eating junk food, your complexion is likely to be dull and lifeless. To keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant, make sure that you eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.

Stay Away From Harsh Chemicals

If you’re looking for ways to protect your skin from monsoon, then you need to stay away from harsh chemicals. Harsh chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils and cause it to become dry and dull. Instead, opt for products that are safe and contain natural ingredients. You can even make your own homemade beauty products and use them to keep your skin healthy. When it comes to your skin, natural ingredients are always the best.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

You may have noticed that you tend to feel dry and dehydrated during monsoon. This is because the humidity in the air causes your skin to lose its natural moisture. To avoid this, make sure that you stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, and eat fresh fruits and vegetables to hydrate your body. Also, avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, as they can make your skin dry and dull.

Don’t Overdry

Your skin may be prone to becoming dry and dull during monsoon. But over-drying your skin is not the solution. You can use a gentle cleanser and a light moisturizer, but over-drying your skin can only cause it to become dull and dry. Use a good moisturizer and avoid using harsh cleansers and scrubs.

Don’t Stress

Yes, stress can also make your skin dull, dry, and itchy. And if you’re stressed out, then it’s even worse. So, to avoid this, make sure that you keep your stress levels under control and don’t worry too much.


As you can see, it’s not just the heat, humidity, and rain that make your skin dull and dry. It’s also your lifestyle and the things you do that play a role in this. So, if you’re looking for ways to protect your skin from monsoon. The above tips will help you get the best skin routine for monsoon through this season with glowing, radiant, and healthy skin.

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